Here's how to cancel your membership at Hometown Sweat:

  • Log into your Walla Account by going to our schedule page

  • The MY ACCOUNT tab is on the right hand side of the page

  • Once in your account, click on “YOUR CREDITS AND PLANS” from the drop down menu

  • Find your active Plan and click on the 3 dots


Please note that Flex & Maintenance Memberships require 5 days notice to cancel. If you request to cancel fewer than 5 days before your next billing date, you will be charged that final payment and then your membership will be cancelled.

If you are on a Commit Membership, you have committed to a year at Hometown Sweat, and your membership will be cancelled at the end of your final billing cycle.

If you decide to come back at a later date, please check out our most up-to-date pricing options here.

We are always striving to make the Hometown experience excellent for everyone who walks through our doors and sweats in our hot room. If you have a moment to let us know why you're saying goodbye for now, we'd greatly appreciate it. We consider all feedback we receive. Just e-mail